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Trinity of Discord: The Hymnal and Poetic Innovations of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, and William Cowper

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    Trinity of Discord: The Hymnal and Poetic Innovations of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, and William Cowper
    商品コード:1501720894_T   出版社: Peter Lang
  • ¥ 24,520(税込 ¥ 26,972)▼20% OFF!!
    ¥ 19,616(税込 ¥ 21,577)※1
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The three writers examined in Richard Arnold's 'Trinity of Discord', Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, and William Cowper, are known as famous poets, but are also the greatest and most popularly compiled and used hymn-writers of all time. While masters of their kind, they were so remarkably different, considering they were working in the same (and quite new) genre. Moreover, when considered in their poetic-historical contexts, it is noteworthy that Watts can be seen as an archetypal Neoclassicist (not unlike Pop

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